At ZooTampa, A Critically Endangered Eastern Bongo Is Born
The birth of a particularly unique animal was joyfully celebrated at ZooTampa. Eastern bongos are highly endangered! This is a significant accomplishment for the Zoo.
Blitzen, the mother, has given birth for the first time. The kid was said to have been delivered around 2:30 a.m. on May 1st.
The female newborn calf is happy and healthy. The newborn was examined by the Zoo’s veterinary team, who determined her to be healthy and flourishing. The baby bongo also weighs more than 35 pounds and is around 2 feet tall, according to the staff.
The bongo has an unique glossy chestnut or orange coat with vertical white stripes that run from the shoulders to the back. They also have big ears and long horns that may reach three feet in length. Furthermore, the species’ typical weight can range from 525 to 880 pounds.
ZooTampa has continuously participated in over 100 SSP initiatives. Blitzen and Kito should couple up to conserve the species, according to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Special Survival Plan (SSP).
This is an important birth for the Eastern bongo species.