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Pitbull Kisses Her Puppies One By One As They Are Rescued In The Middle Of A Storm

When abandoned pit bull Rainbow gave birth to puppies, she fought valiantly to shield them from life on the streets. However, only 48 hours later, a devastating storm hit California, putting Rainbow and her babies in peril. However, it was at that point when Hope For Paws learned about the small family and travelled three and a half hours to attempt to assist them.

When the rescue crew came, it was fully dark, making it impossible to find Rainbow and her pups right away because she was concealed among the dense shrubs.

Hope For Paws creator Eldad Hagar stated:

It’s a wild, insane scenario, I tell you.

Locals had been attempting to save Rainbow in previous months, but she kept becoming afraid and escaping. However, she appeared to recognize she needed assistance after she had her pups and had to defend them.

Eldad reached Rainbow by sneaking through the bushes. She had plenty of space to hide, but instead she decided to confront her worries and protect her offspring. Eldad took some time to win Rainbow’s trust before feeding her and attempting to hold the first child.

As soon as Eldad took up the infant, Rainbow began to kiss the pup, as if to reassure him that everything would be well. Eldad dragged the cubs one by one out from under her mother, and she kissed each one as she saw them being brought away.

Rainbow started to sit up when there was only one baby left, as if realizing that now that all of her kids were safe, it was time for her to be saved as well.

Eldad transported Rainbow and her cubs to safety after carefully removing her from the bushes.