Family Adopts The Oldest Dog In The Shelter And Gives Him The Best Moments Until His Last Day
Due to their enthusiasm and lovely looks, puppies are often the type of pet that people acquire. Because of this, a lot of old animals are left abandoned in shelters as they wait for someone to decide to allow them to live out their best final days.
When shelters are overcrowded, the majority of dogs that are unable to find homes are finally put to death.
Fortunately, Kaylee, an 11-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier who was residing at the BARCS Animal Shelter in Baltimore, had Melissa Davis and her daughter Raven decide to alter the course of history.
After her family claimed they could no longer care for her, the dog was given to a shelter.
To the Baltimore Sun, Raven said:
Everyone dislikes elderly dogs. Puppies are perceived as having greater energy. I don’t wish for them to pass away at a shelter.
Although Kaylee had thyroid cancer, a broken ACL, and renal illness, Melissa and Raven opted to adopt her anyhow because they just wanted to be her parents for the rest of their lives.
To keep track of Kaylee’s life, the family decided to start a Facebook page. They also chose to participate in the PetCo Foundation’s Holiday Wishes Campaign, which helped them win a $10,000 grant for BARCS.