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Smart Dog Walks To Store All By Himself To Buy Bags Of Treats

Our canine friends adore us for who we are, but part of what makes us so appealing to them is the fact that we have control over the goodies — the delectable currency on which dog-human relationships are founded.

However, it appears that one particularly astute dog named Pituco has worked out a method to exclude us from the equation.


Pituco is a resident of Para, Brazil, where he has developed an amazing habit. Rather of “earning” a reward by being attentive like other dogs, he’s discovered he can go pick up bags of them himself.

Almost every day, he walks alone from his house to Agro Pet, a neighboring veterinary clinic with a pet food and supply shop.

That’s where he stockpiles supplies before returning home with his haul.

This daily pattern has been going on for quite some time, but it isn’t the free-for-all Pituco believes it to be. The shop puts everything he takes on a charge, which the family will pay later.

“Everyone knows Pituco,” says the narrator “The Dodo spoke with Agro Pet’s veterinarian. “We have to hand him his food since it’s on the top shelf. He won’t stop barking until we do.”

Pituco is definitely a self-assured puppy, yet he isn’t solely concerned with himself. Pituco’s family may occasionally phone ahead of time to request cat food or birdseed for their other pets, which he gladly brings back home instead.