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The Little Kitten Accompanies A Man Every Day To The Cafe

Every time a man entered a coffee shop, a stray cat appeared. She insisted on accompanying him home one day.

Sophie the stray kitten found her forever human dad
Basil Akwan

Basil Akwan was a regular at a nearby coffee shop. He was always greeted by a friendly kitty whenever he visited there. Basil told Love Meow, “I used to go to the same coffee shop every day and saw her there.”

One day, the kitty crept over to Basil’s table and chose to stay. Basil, a cat enthusiast, fell in love with the lovely calico right away and called her Sophie. Every time he returned, he began bringing food and presents for his little pal.

Basil Akwan

Sophie returned to the same spot to meet Basil, and she was overjoyed with the food and all the petting she could get.

Stray kitten follows her human friend everywhere he goes
Basil Akwan

She liked lying on his laptop, purring away when she wasn’t resting on the bench. When Basil and his pals were present, the kitten insisted on keeping them company.

Sophie looked forward to seeing her friend at the same time every day. She eventually became his small shadow, following him around.

Basil Akwan

Sophie was clearly a stray who didn’t have a place to call home. Basil regarded the adorable kitty jumping into his car as a sign that she had chosen him. “She walked into my automobile and stole my heart.”

Watch Sophie and her journey in this cute video:

“She was a little nervous on her first day home, smelling everything, but I guess she felt comfortable since I was there with her,” Basil told Love Meow. “She’s totally acclimated to living indoors now.”

Basil has gotten a lot of delight and fun from having a cat around. He now wakes up to find his buddy staring at him, eagerly awaiting the arrival of food. Sophie set off on a new expedition with Basil after a trip to the veterinarian.


Basil Akwan

Sophie has a lot of energy and likes causing mischief around the house. She will snuggle up to her human dad or share the same pillow and blanket with him when she is ready to snooze and rejuvenate.

The relationship between Basil and Sophie is strong.

Basil Akwan

The lovely calico follows her owner around the home. She sits on his lap while he works on the computer. They like sunning on the balcony together and watching the world go by.

“She is a very active child, and I am always giving her with toys (to keep her busy). The nicest thing is that she’s adapted nicely to my way of life “Love Meow was the recipient of Basil’s kindness.

Basil Akwan

The stray has grown into a lovely, lively young cat with a huge personality. She is Basil’s most devoted friend and never fails to make him smile.

“I’m a huge fan of hers. She is the most wonderful thing that has ever occurred to me.”

Basil Akwan

Share this story with your friends. Follow Sophie on Instagram @basilakwan.