Mailman Snaps Photo Of Skinny Dog Tied To Tree And Teaches Cruel Owner A Lesson In Kindness
One summer, a mailman in Philadelphia began his workday like any other. But while on his route, he stumbled upon something that he simply could not ignore.
The mailman saw a filthy dog sitting on the sidewalk. He quickly knew something was wrong. This young female boxer was emaciated and tied to a tree, left there all alone in the hot sun.
Instead of ignoring her and continuing on his mail route, this amazing postal worker taught a valuable lesson in kindness. First, he rushed to give her food and water. Then, he persistently called the local shelter and refused to leave until rescuers arrived to take her to safety.
The kindhearted folks at Adopt a Boxer Rescue took in the boxer and named her Kuperus. They discovered a large wound on her head, either from a bullet or knife, and a broken jaw. She needed multiple teeth removed.
Despite the horrific abuse and neglect Kuperus once faced, people were struck by how sweet, loving, and charming she was. “It boggles my mind how she craves attention,” said Dawn Karam, founder of Adopt a Boxer Rescue. “She really wants nothing more than to be touched… even after some terrible human beat her and left her to die. Simply amazing.”
While Kuperus recovered at a foster home, the shelter volunteers worked tirelessly to find whoever was responsible for the abuse. And after she healed, she made TV appearances, won over the hearts of dog lovers in Philadelphia, and spread awareness about animal rescue — all thanks to one compassionate postal worker.
In July 2013, Kuperus was adopted by her forever family.